What’s your current occupation?
I’m a Managing Editor in the outdoor industry.
Where are you currently living (city and country)?
Hofheim am Taunus, Germany
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m a bit of a cycling fanatic. The longer the distance, the better. I’m always looking for the next adventure on my bike. For the last ten years, I’ve participated in many self-supported bike races all over Europe. In these races, the experience itself is much more important to me than the result.
What is the idea of your talk?
I want to explore why people choose to do hard things voluntarily. What keeps them going when times get tough and which life lessons do they take home with them.
What do you connect with our theme “Bold Choices”?
I think that if you really want to do something, but you’re nervous or even scared about it, that’s when you know it’s a good choice.
What is the boldest choice you’ve ever made in your life?
Probably signing up for my very first race without any prior experience.
– And why was this your boldest choice?
I knew I want to do it but I had no idea how. I just trusted that somehow, it will be alright.
How do you choose which choice to make if you’re in doubt?
Rely on your gut feeling and you can’t go wrong. It’s that simple.
What gives you the strength to make a bold choice?
Experience – it’s always been worth it.
Do you think people should be better at making bold choices?
I think most people are very good at listening to their inner compass.
If you had to choose someone who, in your opinion, has made the most bold choice, who would it be and why?
There are so many people making so many bold choices every single day. It’s hard to pick one. I have a lot of respect for anyone that takes a leap into the unknown.
What is your favorite TED talk?
“Making sense of maps” by Aris Venetikidis