Watch Lisa’s talk here

Lisa delivering her TEDx Talk – Photo Credit Sebastian Gabsch

What’s your current occupation?
I’m an author of erotic literature, a passionate advocate for pleasure empowerment, and a devoted mother of two.

Where are you currently living (city and country)?
I currently reside in Hamburg, Germany.  

Tell us a bit about yourself?
I thrive on shattering taboos and celebrating pleasure. My path has transitioned from a mother on a quest to revive her desires to a force igniting self-exploration and sexual freedom. I embody unfiltered authenticity (I show all the difficult parts of life), as I advocate for embracing one’s own sexuality with passion and drive. I also love good coffee, all books, bright statement t-shirts and deep talks. 

What is the idea of your talk?
My talk revolves around reviving passion, overcoming hurdles, and embracing newfound self-discovery. I underline the importance of prioritizing intimacy for enduring happiness. I aim to empower navigating the complexities of self-discovery, sexuality, and relationships.   

What do you connect with our theme “Bold Choices”?
“Bold Choices” resonates with me because I’ve taken unconventional paths to redefine my identity, sexuality, and purpose. Embracing bold choices has been pivotal in my journey. I’m not one to do things by halves.

What is the boldest choice you’ve ever made in your life?
My boldest choice was embarking on the path of becoming an author of erotic literature. It required embracing my vulnerability and involved a lot of skew, embarrassed and depreciative looks from others. This decision wasn’t just about crafting stories; it allowed me to redefine my own narrative.

– And why was this your boldest choice?
This choice meant shedding the societal norms that box women in. It was about challenging silence and putting myself out there, unfiltered. This vulnerability revealed my strength – the ability to inspire, liberate, and reshape conversations about pleasure and self-discovery.

How do you choose which choice to make if you’re in doubt?
When in doubt, I focus on authenticity and growth. I ask myself if the choice aligns with my values and whether it will lead to personal development. And otherwise, I sleep on it for at least one night, talk to those I love and then decide over a good cup of coffee.

What gives you the strength to make a bold choice?
My husband. My kids. My friends. My family. Rooted in resilience, I’m fueled by the belief that, in the present, each bold choice I make is the right one, even if my perspective evolves over time.

Do you think people should be better at making bold choices?

– If so, why?
Absolutely. Bold choices lead to self-discovery, growth, and overcoming fears. They redefine our paths and help us break free from limitations. The sea is always choppy, the winds will always blow. But by making bold choices, we learn how to navigate those waters.       

If you had to choose someone who, in your opinion, has made the most bold choice, who would it be and why?
Undoubtedly, Glennon Doyle stands out as a beacon of bold choices, fearlessly transforming her life and inspiring countless others to embrace their authenticity.

What is your favorite TED talk?
One TED talk that has truly captivated me is “Mentalism, mind reading and the art of getting inside your head” by Derren Brown. This talk delves into the fascinating world of mentalism and offers insights into the complexities of human perception and behavior. As a lover of stories and mind play, I found the layers of this talk incredibly engaging and thought-provoking. Plus he’s wearing a bow tie and an uncanny magician!